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What is a New Moon and a full moon?

What are their differences and how we can make the most of every moon cycle on our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing...

You are surrounded by cycles of nature throughout the year. Spring flowers push their way through the snow, the leaves on trees light up the hills with their colours of fall, and the moon in steady fashion cycles through her phases, waxing and waning in concert with the pull of the tides on earth. Establishing a New Moon ritual practice can be a powerful reminder of how you are connected to these cycles.

The New Moon and Full Moon both amplify the ocean’s tides. There is a pull and a push with the waxing and waning of the moon that reflects as a more dramatic high and low tide. Imagine this push and pull as it imparts its forces on the fluids of your body, which share a remarkable similarity to seawater. Though the forces at play in the shifting tides vary, tuning into how you respond to both the full and the New Moon can be illuminating.

I often get asked this question: When is the:-

Best Time To Have a Treatment or a Healing Session?

Anytime is great to have a massage or healing session, like a Reiki, but I have found from my many years of experience being a Holistic therapist and Reiki practitioner that it's often helpful to have a Massage or any treatment or Reiki session, on either a New Moon or a Full Moon.

The clients that I see through often visit me for a Massage, Facial or a Reiki session either just before, on, or a few days after either during a Full moon or a New moon and this can be really significant. Often the individual may not notice that it is a full or new moon at the time or coming up to be one. But it can be a really powerful time, especially for women as we are more affected by the moon with our hormones and our mental and emotional states that we can come in and out of each month. Sometimes more than others. But that's okay.

During a New moon or Full moon, the energy is already intensified and this can be a great time to have a holistic treatment or a Reiki session as it can help you through the moon's transit and intensity that a lot of my most sensitive clients experience during a New or Full moon. Whether that's a few days before, on the actual day of the moon, being either new or full or a couple of days afterwards. It can be a real cathartic experience and can help us in many ways, not only physically, such as helping to improve our sleep and to reduce stress or anxiety that can often come up for some people, especially during a full moon.

But it can also help us emotionally and mentally, as well as spiritually on our life's path.

What are their differences and how can we make the most of every moon cycle on our physical, mental and emotional


A new moon can be a time to plot change, plant seeds, and bathe in darkness.

When it comes to embracing moon energy, the full moon tends to get all the love. However, every phase of the moon radiates its own style of rich, mystical energy—even when we can’t see it at all. During new moons, the moon is positioned between the sun and the Earth with its illuminated side facing the sun and the dark side facing us. Though invisible, the moon is still there, cloaked in shadows.

This moon phase reminds us that growth can happen even when we can’t see it. Just as a seed first grows roots before pushing leaves above the soil, we must first make internal changes before observing external results.

The new moon is a fantastic time to start something new. Whether you’re manifesting something big, renewing a healthy habit or mindset, or embarking on a new external adventure, the new moon is the right time to do it.

Do you have difficulty differentiating anxiety from your intuition?

The new moon gives us monthly chances to strengthen our inner wisdom and regulate the nervous system.

Every month, the new moon initiates the 29.5-day lunar cycle, offering an opportunity for us to inquire into our emotions and build our intuitive capacity.

Think of your body as a precious resource, and your spirit as an intuitive messenger. By attending to your internal compass during the new moon, you gain capacity to discern what is worthy of your precious energy reserves, and what is not. With greater ease, your intuitive process expands through the review and release of anything that is not helpful, both physically and energetically.

With greater ease, your intuitive process expands through the review and release of anything that is not helpful, both physically and energetically. When we track our current life process at the new moon, we are more likely to recognise when and where anxiety is ruling our lives.

We start to understand what limits our potential for joy, peace, and abundance.

The new moon is a time of rebirth and renewal and a time for gathering the wisdom required to embark upon a new cycle of the moon. It also offers a monthly opportunity for purification, especially when we can learn how to regulate our nervous systems by transmuting anxiety.

By observing how the moon’s rhythm affects us personally, we begin to deepen our awareness of how everything is interconnected. What our mind speaks, our body receives. The emotions we either repress or express affect us and those around us. Tracking the moon connects us to greater patterns in the cosmos.

When we track our current life process at the new moon, we are more likely to recognise when and where anxiety is ruling our lives. We start to understand what limits our potential for joy, peace, and abundance. We develop personal tools and learn to trust the process.

The new moon is a time of rebirth and renewal, and a time for gathering the wisdom required to embark upon a new cycle of the moon. It also offers a monthly opportunity for purification, especially when we can learn how to regulate our nervous systems by transmuting anxiety.

How the New Moon Helps Us Trade Anxiety for Intuition

By observing how the moon’s rhythm affects us personally, we begin to deepen our awareness of how everything is interconnected. What our mind speaks, our body receives. The emotions we either repress or express affect us and those around us. Tracking the moon connects us to greater patterns in the cosmos.

During the new moon, observe the subtle energy within you. Pay attention to clear yes and no responses within your body when they arise—this is your intuition speaking to you. Observe any mental chatter that accompanies this process. Intuition will often feel like a distilled moment of clarity without the inner critic showing up.

Some of us receive intuitive insights through an image in the mind’s eye. Others receive intuitive clarity through scent or sound, during time spent in nature or performing daily chores, or while engaging in wisdom practices, such as mindful movement, meditation, and breath-work. You are more likely to receive intuitive messages if you are calm and well-rested.

To hear the whispers of intuitive counsel, we must recognise when the voice of fear makes its way into our consciousness. In this precise moment of awareness, we can name, accept, and honour fear as a teacher and ground ourselves in the present moment. Pay attention to the glimmers of inspiration and positive frequencies ready to come through you. When lower vibrations or thoughts come in, simply release them with a deep exhale.

By committing to small daily acts of mindfulness and by living in harmony with the moon’s cycle, we have a greater chance of understanding the messages from our intuition. A life of reclaiming our true essence, deeply connected to self and to the universe at large, bears a sweetness that is both wildly satisfying and radically transformative.

Here are some of my favourite ways to embrace this new moon energy!

New Moon Elemental Affirmations

As I connect to the Earth, I release _______ As I connect to Water, I invite in_______ As I connect to Fire, I transform_______ As I connect to Air, I awaken to________

As I connect to Ether, I honor ________

Symbolically, the moon corresponds to your emotional body. While the Full Moon is often considered a time to sit in the fullness of your life, welcoming the abundance you experience and feeling grateful for the blessings of your life, some Full Moons, including the most recent one, are considered important times for releasing.

Whether or not you intentionally invited in the energy of release with the Full Moon, you can use this New Moon Journalling question prompts to create what you want for your life by activating the energy of your intentions.

Bring your journal somewhere you have light, and begin to write or draw your answers to the following questions.

  • What am I ready to create and what is most important to welcome into my life?

  • What will be the end result of these intentions coming into being?

  • How do I need to show up every day to bring these intentions alive?

  • What is the most important place to begin?

  • What are the first steps I will take as I activate these intentions in my life?

Revisit your journal as the moon waxes. With the following Full Moon, you might find you have more to be grateful for, and you may open yourself up to a new layer of what is ready to be released.

Power Of The Full Moon And How It Affects Us All.

Five Really Simple Effective Ways To Help You.

A Full moon happens once a month when the sun's rays fully illuminate the surface of the moon. The moon has no light of its own, and when the moon is shining at its brightest and fullest, we're receiving maximum light and vitality as the sun's rays bounce off of the lunar surface.

While the energy of a full moon lasts for about three days before and after the lunation, the

moon is technically only full for a moment—when the sun and the moon are directly opposite each other in the sky. Time spent under this reflected light of the full moon has the power to be transformational, intense, and inspiring.

Full Moons are the best time to take inventory of what no longer serves us and where we can make more space for something better to come in. A full Moon is the most powerful of moons to help you to let go.

It can also add intensity to whatever emotions are living in you, so it’s helpful to be intentional about what you are focusing on.

  • Letting go of unwanted habits, people or circumstances.

Get out a journal and pen to paper write down what you'd like to release from your life, asking the Full Moon to assist you with it in a harmonious way. Then rip the paper apart and burn it outside.

As the Full Moon is energetically the strongest, it also brings out the strongest emotions.

The full moon offers an opportunity to sit in the fullness of your life. It is a time to feel deep gratitude for the many blessings you have and your life experiences. It is also a powerful time to recommit yourself to the projects and relationships that mean the most to you. Let the light of the full moon illuminate what is working for you, and amplify those areas by being intentional about the ways you will move forward in your life.

Five Things To Do During The Full Moon

Some of you may or may not notice the effects of the moon, you might see it in the sky, but have never thought of the reason why some months you feel sluggish, tired, stressed out more or just frustrated with something that just isn't moving along as you would like it to. Plus you may not be aware of the impact it can have on our minds and our bodies energies. But it effects us all in many different ways subconsciously without us even knowing. All objects emanate subtle frequencies which affect us in varying degrees at a physical and subtle level, which affects our feelings, emotions and our desires.

Plus the 29.5 day cycle is in accord with the average menstrual cycle.

In ancient times, before industrialisation, it is believed that when people congregated in tribes and slept in groups, all women ovulated at the full moon and menstruated at the new moon. This can still happen when women who live and work together find that their cycles match.

All the various stages of the moons transition effects us in many different ways, more so females due to hormones.

However, due to the effect of artificial hormones, unnatural lighting at night and processed foods mean women may no longer be in tune with the natural energies of the moon.

It is known that the full moon affects the level of melatonin the body produces, so may affect our sleep.

The full moon can also heighten mind activity and increase our spiritual connection as well as affecting our physical parts of our body. It can effect our moods and influences our decisions and behaviours as well as energy and stamina.

We are unconsciously influenced by the Full Moon which can bring out the worst in some of us. For some, it might stir up severe anger, rage, irritability or stress. For others, they might experience fatigue or other physical issues. Perhaps you just notice some serious chaos going on in your life.

So How Do We Harmonise With This Energy?

Many Great Teachers recognise the Full Moon as a time of conflict OR opportunity. For the person who meditates and is on a spiritual path it’s used as an opportunity.

So instead of letting the energy of the moon control you, consciously become aware of its energy and to use it to benefit you and become aware of whatever comes up in a positive way, by taking care of yourself, and being gentle with yourself.

We all have different experiences each month, some will be more than others, just being aware of the subtle energies the moon gives off and know that this is a time for self reflection and time for you.

At this time we can harness it’s energy reflecting from our Sun and use it for healing, spiritual development and most importantly to bless our Earth and all those in need. The energy coming down towards Earth at this time is very strong. It’s natural for it to stir up our emotional nature. We just need to recognise it and calm those waves.

**Please note: The energy for the Full Moon goes on for 5 days. 2 days before, 2 days after.**

Here Are A Few Great, Easy And Highly Effective Tips To Get You Started:

1. Get Clean! Energetically that is . . . Take a Salt Bath.

Salt is excellent at breaking up unhealthy energy in our system. In fact, Pranic Healers take salt baths not only to help the body heal faster, but also to help prevent any physical or psychological issues from developing. You can use anywhere from 2 cups to 2 pounds of salt. Use Sea Salt, Himalayan Salt etc.

Just avoid Epsom Salts. They’re great, but have a completely different purpose than what we’re after.

Fill the tub, add the salt. Soak for no longer than 20 minutes. Rinse off and relax.

Don’t have a bath? Add the table salt to your shower gel and let it sit on the body for a few minutes before you rinse it off.

Feel free to take as many salt baths as you need. Doing this before meditation will allow your system to absorb more positive energy.

2. Get your friends together, throw a Full Moon Celebration!

Did you know that when we meditate in a group of 7, it’s the equivalent to 100 people or more meditating at the same time? That’s a lot of energy! So grab you’re friends and let it pour. Have a one to one session with me to help you through this high-energy period.

No one around to celebrate with? Tune in online! 100’s of people from around the world tune in to meditate. Once again, it’s super beneficial to tap into that group energy.

3. Tip: Organise your Projects, Goals and Prayer Lists before meditating.

Full Moon meditations are very powerful. However we can only absorb so much energy at one time. Eventually our system gets full. The rest of the energy sits in the aura and disperses as time goes on. So why not make good use of that excess energy?

Here are a few ideas:

Is there anything going on in the world that could use some positive energy? People, places, political turmoil, natural disasters etc.…

What about your family, partner, friends, and associates . . . how are they doing?

Next, finances, goals, and projects . . . All these things need energy to materialise and be successful for you.

To release excess energy after your meditation you’re simply going to bring your hands up to chest level, palms facing outwards. Focus on your breath. We receive these blessings freely, we also share these blessings freely.

Now go through your list of things to direct this excess energy too.

One thing to be aware of with blessing people, only focus on them for a few moments if you’re doing them one at a time. Sometimes the energy is very strong – and you don’t want to overwhelm them.

Blessing is very effective and not to be underestimated. The key is to do is consistently over a period of time.

4. Check in with yourself. How are YOU doing?

The Full Moon does a great job at shedding light into the darker aspects of our personality and our subconscious mind. What came up for you during this time? Reflect on your life - whats happening, are you trying to release something? Be mindful. Take note. We all have our stuff to work on, no man is an island. Use this period as a time of opportunity for your own growth and development.

Remember that the energy is magnified during a full moon - so whatever you are putting out their is being magnified back to you ten fold. Look within and see what needs attention and changing if it no longer serves you.

If you need extra support or healing, let me know, as I am a Reiki Master and Meditation Teacher and I can help you during these energy stages each month.

5. Treat yourself like the Queen (or King) that you are.

For our system to handle sometimes intense energies and emotions we need a strong healthy body. This is often overlooked or neglected. Your body is the current house for your spiritual development. Treat it with care.

  • Are you getting enough sleep?

Make the effort. This is when your body has a chance to heal and restore itself.

  • How’s the diet? Any adjustments to be made?

All of us are different and need different things. Try to eat food that’s fresh. That way there is still some prana (life force) in it.

Exercise. No matter what type of exercise we do, we need to be exercising. Ideally, it’s good to have a routine through the week. Once again, whatever is best for your personality and body type. Take care of #1.

Plus avoid making important decisions or buying and selling on these days.

Increase the quantity and quality of spiritual practice from 2 days prior and 2 days after the full moon and new moon days.

Enjoy the full or new moon! Let it be a time of opportunity and make sure to use the energy to improve the quality of your life and others.

Whether it's a New moon or a Full moon, having a Reiki session just before, during and after, are highly powerful times for your spiritual development in your life and highly recommended.

If you would like help and guidance on any aspects I mentioned above, please contact me here as I'm a holistic and spiritual healer, spiritual coach as well as a Reiki Healer and Meditation Teacher. I am also a Tarot, Oracle and Angel Card Reader and a Bodywork Massage Therapist and I can help you to see the energy and messages from the divine during this intense energy period.

Visit me at to find out more and to book your session or reading.

Check out my new Reiki Ebook and Digital Reiki Healing Journal for your health and healing. Download your copy here in my online shop

To your best Life

Love and Light always



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