Hello, and welcome to Monday Day 22 of my 30 Day Transformation. Only 8 more days of Transformation left and I hope that you are still enjoying and raring to go with another week of positive insight and actions to move you closer to achieving your goals and transforming you into the amazing person that you always was and always will be.
Today we have our new plans for the week since yesterday and it's a powerful and positive day for change and focus and making things happen.
So today is about making things happen, going through the list you made yesterday of all the things that you want to be getting on with this week, your actions steps. And start going through each of them and tick them off as you complete them.
If you can complete at least 3 of the steps that you have and keep doing them each day throughout this week, you are on top form for achieving your goals much faster than without these action steps and making them a priority. It's great to do these first thing in your day, get it done and get it completed as soon as you can and then you have your own free time to catch up on everything else that life throughs at us each day.
So hop to it and I hope you have a really productive and fun day. And let me know in the comments below how you got on, how are you feeling so far and what are you learning from doing these exercises about yourself and what you can manage? I would love to hear from you as always.
To you on-going success.
Much love,
p.s. see you tomorrow...