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Day 13 - 30 Day Transformation

Hi guys,

I hope you had a great day yesterday doing you 3 acts of kindness. I hope it went well?

This is definatly something that you can keep doing to help keep the ripple effect going, plus spreading joy to not only your life but others as well each day is such an awesome thing. So applaud you to keep doing your positive acts of kindness for others each and every day.

So for today as its the weekend, you tend to have a bit more free time on your hands, not so much work on as their is during the week, plus no kids at school to run around for, maybe the odd kids party and kid activities. But i'm sure you have a quiet slot in your day. If you do this exercise is a great one to do today.

We have touched on this subject a little bit before during my 30 Day Transformation programme, but this time I want you to take action.

I would like you to stretch yourself mentally and physically. Stretch yourself, I mean go out there and do something that scares you, something that is outside you comfort zone. Like getting outside and visiting you local gym, joining that yoga class today, booking a class or something that you have always wanted to do, but was too scared to or kept putting it off for some reason or another.

Today this is no more, today we take action and follow through with it.

Take that leap of faith and do what you have been putting off. Do the things that scare you. By doing the things that you wouldn't normally do in your day to day life, will stretch you and only help you to grow as a human being and show you what you can accomplish and achieve, if only you put your mind to it and act on it, do it.

So today please take 2 steps that scare you and do them, do the things that you keep putting off and avoiding, do them today and let me know how you got on in the comments below.

These are positive acts for your own self developmemt, not negative. So focus on things that will propel you forward to achieving your goals and dreams that you want.

This practice is great for procrastinatores and if you are stalling and getting stuck, this pushes through your pain barriers and moves you forward and through the pain. I promise you, it is so worth it and you will thank yourself for doing them and taking the steps.

So get out there and do them today.

To your onward success always

Have a great weekend, see you tomorrow and let us know how you get on in the comments below, would love to hear how you got on.

Best wishes


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